Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Bozeman Police- my fixation

I have had some feedback about my fixation with Bozeman news and my nonchalance towards Seattle police events. I think I'll sum it up by explaining that I am obsessed with the silly. I love animal crimes (when they commit them, not when they are the victims). I guess that I just assume that humans will be dumbshits, and do horrible things to eachother. But for some reason, a certain category of people in Bozeman get befuddled easily when dealing with wildlife (and domestic), and call da police. My friend Dana must enjoy answering these calls- it sure as hell would beat dealing with puking drunks in the back of a squad car.

Anyway, without further ado, here is today's finest (and I'll consider the Seattle request, seriously...)

-- A person flagged down officers to get a ride home but was told to get a cab early Sunday morning on South Ninth Avenue. (Wha??? da police don't moonlight as cabbies??? Seriously, what a dumshit...)

-- A man complained he had a boot stolen and was beat up Sunday morning, but officers discovered he had passed out at a bar on East Main Street and was asked to leave.
(WTF award of the day)

And the best for last-

-- A rabid-looking raccoon crossed the road and caused a hazard Sunday morning at Bond Street and North Rouse Avenue.
The raccoons are back!!! This makes my day. Seriously. Raccoons are not only cute, and wind up as bloated and scary balloon-like objects on the frontage road, but they are full of evil malevolence towards mankind. Yay!

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