Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Guilty pleasures

And this is nothing that Pat O'Brien would rant about on someone's voice mail either- this is NOT that kind of blog. Just some fun things that would make you smile.

On BBC America- the House Doctor. There's an American version of this show- but it blows by comparison. And the BBC one has Alistair Appleton (sadly for me seems gay as the day is long...sigh...happy day for gay men everywhere...). So does the other favorite of mine- Cash in the Attic- where the lovely Alistair and either Jonty or Paul come to your house and appraise your stuff and auction it off for cash. Fun and potentially instructive.

On Turner Movie Classice- Sunday nights there is usually a silent film on. Love these. Didn't originally like silent movies much-certainly an acquired taste. But I have really grown to appreciate the talent that these performers had. Jackie Coogan is a prime example. That kid owns the screen. A tad cloying mannerisms, but ownership of the screen nevertheless. And there are some really remarkable techniques employed and it's cool to note that these were close to, if not the first time directors did these things. Cool.

Daf Punk is Playing in My House- In My House- Damned song won't leave my head. Definite ear worm. Spouse has suffered from this too. LCD Soundsystem. Infectious damned song. Check out the video at www.virgin.net.

Enjoy- and spread the love!!!

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