Thursday, March 03, 2005

And one more for the Gipper

For those of you not hooked into E! TV, you probably didn't know that they are televising actor's recreations of the Michael Jackson trial every night. They get the transcripts of the day's proceedings and have actors do their magic, whilst in a studio somewhere several attorneys hash over the blow by blow interaction of defense/prosecution/judge. I wish that, rather than employ professional actors, they had gone to High Schools in the LA area and given the acting over to drama classes. It would be fun. Kind of in a Summer Stock kind of way. It would also get those kids' parents watching and boost ratings tremendously.

God- I am a marketing GENIUS!!! Why don't I try for a job at E!??? Well- because I want to keep my soul. And I don't want to shower with boiling water to get the stink of celebrity adoration off. And I want noooo association- even peripheral with Star Jones- she gives me the willies.

And I want to know what the ABA thinks of the lawyers involved with the "commentary" section of the show... Is this the best that the profession can offer? I gotta go drink tea and take a head hurts...

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