Friday, March 25, 2005

Just for fun

I'm stealing this from dispatches from the MJ trial- cuz it's funny- and I'll read it so you don't have to.

BJ's become a real fixture here. Everybody knows his name. And his story: He moved here from Tennessee during jury selection just so he could hang around the trial and offer his undying support to Michael. Sadly, yesterday—during one of the breaks—BJ got kicked out of the courthouse. The rule is that fans can't talk to Michael inside the building but can respond if Michael initiates a conversation. According to BJ, Michael said, "I love you," so BJ of course responded, "I love you more!" The guards felt that Michael had not actually invited this outpouring from BJ, so BJ got the boot. He's permanently barred from the courthouse now. But he can still stand out here on the sidewalk and scream his lungs out.

I'm poised to ask BJ about his Sony conspiracy theory (he has a placard that says "SONY IS BEHIND ALL OF THIS! DO THE RESEARCH!") when a couple of cops from the sheriff's department walk over and do the job for me. "So, tell us about the Sony thing you've done all this 'research' on," goads one of the cops, grinning from behind cop sunglasses.

BJ takes the bait and explains that "THEY" found checks from Sony that were made out to the accuser's family. "Sony wants Michael to go bankrupt so he'll sell them the other half of the Beatles catalog," says BJ matter-of-factly. The cops don't look convinced.

8:26 a.m.: Michael arrives in court. Armband: a sumptuous cardinal red, matching both his shirt and his lipstick.

(All of this makes me giggle- which makes me feel a little guilty- it's really not funny. Not at all...)

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