Monday, March 21, 2005

Politics- don't get me started

I've been watching congress with interest the last few days. For all of the posturing about protecting life, I read something on Low Culture that made an interesting point. The President made a big show of signing the bill that might save Terry Schiavo. Great- another incursion from the Executive and Legislative branches of government into the territory of State's Rights. But the point that LC made that really illustrated a disturbing trend was that Bush was responsible for the execution of Terry Washington- a convicted 33 year old criminal with a mental age of 7. So- far from protecting ALL people with disabilities, he cherry picks to protect the most politically advantageous ones...fuck the 33 year old tard on death row, right??? This sucks. Where was your "presumption in favor of life" for him Sunshine?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I TOTALLY quoted this part in an email to someone! Very good point. Good research, too. You're a smart one, I say!
