Saturday, March 26, 2005

Cat in a box

So I picked up Elsa in her box yesterday. The vet does a nice job of presentation- nice little wooden box with a shimmery ribbon on it- I am impressed. In Arizona with the last cat we had cremated we paid $50 more and received a cardboard box. These guys have it down. And I certainly appreciate the gesture. It has been a hard week in a way- but I'm glad that the end came so quickly- she wasn't the kind of cat to put up with a long, drawn-out illness. And I knew that when she lost her angry little attitude, it wouldn't be long. Elsa without attitude wasn't good. She now sits on the desk next to the computer moniter- she used to sit on my lap every morning while I blogged, read and wasted time. Now she'll inspire us to acts of greatness and ire. That's the Stinky way!

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