Saturday, March 05, 2005

Bozeman police reports

Now I hope you all realize that I'm leaving out all of the myriad drunk driving arrests (unless they're really good). I just like the silly ones. They must make the police in Bozeman kind of crazy after a while. But I am totally boggled by people who call the police for things like sick ducks.

€ A Hunters Way caller told police Thursday that people have let their dogs loose behind her home and they chase her cat. (wouldn't want to keep the cat in the house- and away from the dogs, now would you??? I'm an indoor kitty kind of girl.)

€ A drunken woman on Overbrook Drive was trying to get into a stranger's house Thursday. She was taken to her own home. (I wonder if she'll remember this when she sobers up and sees it in the paper...)

€ A man was urinating and exposing himself to people on North Seventh Avenue Thursday, a caller reported. (for those of you unfamiliar with Bozeman- 7th is kind of a busy street. I'm surprised that he was bold enough to pee on 7th.)

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