Tuesday, March 22, 2005

High on the ick meter

I read that Pat O'Brien of Entertainment Tonight checked into rehab over the weekend. From what I'm hearing (literally) on the web, not a bad idea. There is an audio clip that is supposed to be him (sounds like a duck, probably walks like a duck, etc.) that just would be enough of an embarrassment to do the trick. Sounds like rock bottom to me. It's a recording of about 6 voice messages that he left on a woman's machine. Lurid begins to cover it. Nasty sums it up nicely. Good old Pat could use a little drying out. And sobering up. And cleaning up. Lesson for today- don't leave repetitive ugly voice mails out there that can come back and bite you in the ass at a later date. Keep off the phone (and the internet) whilst drunk, stoned or wired, and the world will be a better place, my friends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rehab is for quitters, you know that! Geezzzzzzz!