Wednesday, April 06, 2005

WTF- Japanese edition

Our friend who is visiting just spent many years in Japan. He tells me that it is a challenge to be a vegitarian in Japan (I've heard that one before too- there is a loose understanding in Japan of what we define meat as- for example- steak=meat. bacon=not meat, etc.)

Anywhoo- he tells me that one of the food festivals in his town was an Ice Cream Fair (I capitalize, because we speak of a holy food- Ice Cream). The fucked up part is coming. One of the special flavors for the area is Horse Flavor. WTF!!! Horse meat flavored Ice Cream. They also ate horse sushi. I can't even really go there- all of the pathogens available in horse meat- the food prep nightmares- the Home Ec teacher's daughter in me recoils from the thought.

So no wonder that last night I dreamed that that Burger King guy from the creepy commercials was running around a Willy Wonka interior and stealing little kids' souls. EEEEKKKK!

Meat flavored Ice Cream.... I can cope with the Wasabi Ice Cream (not really, but I'm trying to be open here), but the meat thing really has me upset. I'm feeling downright woozy. I should go lay down before felled by the vapours. Goodness!


Anonymous said...

Don't tell Jacob about that ice cream. He'd flip. That's terrible. Scary.

slyboots2 said...

No lie. It makes me sad...and dismayed...and curiously xenophobic...