Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Been busy this morning

Been cleaning da house. We have a houseguest. So must impress. Also- here is an education for people moving to a humid environment. Not only do fleas get into the house, but other parasites hitch a ride. Yup. Nasty, nasty, nasty.

We had tapeworms on both cats. EWWWWW! So Sunday, Petsmart got loads of cash for the worm meds, as well as ear mite remedy. Poor little infested kitties. I was too sick to clean yesterday- so today I went nuts and did the works. It's got me all itchy. We read that the worms don't infect humans often (usually sticky-fingered children). But we'll know for sure if I start to lose weight at an alarming rate. EWWWWW!

Warning to new people to Washington- there be plenty of bugs. And carpets suck.


Anonymous said...

tapeworms are a great way to lose weight.

jane fonda says so.

Anonymous said...

Tapeworms HORRIFY me. Worms that live in other animal's bodies make me shudder and twitch. Ewwww. I'm so sorry for your kitties!