Monday, April 11, 2005

This picture is of one of the early .com phone sex studios. Notice the blacked out windows...


Anonymous said...

Okay so I don't have a comment on this in particular, but I did however want to share this freaky concoction with you.
The person in the picture, at first glance mind you, looks a little like you. I about fell out of my chair, then realized it was not. But still...

slyboots2 said...

OK- I can see the similarity in about 2 of those pictures of the eyes- but must insist that I have no piercings. None. Unlike you. Sir. And wouldn't do it on my face...what if someone punched the person really hard at an angle, and the piercing did something nasty...shudder...makes my tummy hurt. But thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Ahh but your ears are pierced, Also I should comment that my piercing is no longer around, as a $2,000 dentist bill made that decision for me. The piercing didn't do it, actually girlfriends homemade rice crispy treats (w/candy hearts) did it. Not a fun experience. But hey I replaced the Titanium tongue with a gold tooth. Bling Bling!
Anyways glad to know you don't have pierced glasses, but out of curiosity is getting punched something that you are worried about for all your bar room brawls? jk

slyboots2 said...

Yeah- well, we'll just say that she's a touch of a firebrand on occasion and leave it at that. And tequila is currently on the verboten list. There was a long and involved story about a biker bar in college, and a biker who wanted to kick my ass (such the gentleman, he was)...some day I might share the details.