Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Poor Miss Lopez

On The Defamer today I read a quote about Jennifer Lopez- she was frightened at a stop light the other day. Poor dear. A car hit its breaks agressively in her general direction, and she blamed the paparazzi. Well, of course, darling- it was the press. Or someone interested in you. We all are. It's just the nature of things. We just can't help ourselves.

Then she went on to discuss a potential book about avoiding the press, and dealing with being a celebrity. But then said that she wouldn't write it since it wouldn't make any money. That's sad. For humanity in general. We need a more selfless Jennifer Lopez. Someone needs to convince her that she must write the book. Her words of wisdom will fill a void. As the cult leader we saw this weekend said, (I paraphrase here) if she doesn't sing that note that God created her to sing, no one will. It could be her "special purpose". She could very easily be Saint Jennifer Lopez of the Celebrity.

And she should check the ABS system on her car. Sounds like it could need some work.

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