Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Our crawlspace

We've got a strange apartment. Basically it's the basement of a large house. Part of the living room abutts a storage unit that goes under the rest of the house. It's an old house, with lots of odd little features- like the crawl space that is open to the great outdoors and the like. We just found out that the garage is getting torn down as it was built partially on the neighbor's land, and doesn't have the requisite setbacks. Bummer.

But our storage space is an oddity unto itself. There is an old window back there that was merely filled in with insulation. No serious construction was applied. Which, given other character-filled "features" of this place shouldn't surprise me in the least. What is a surprise is how often the neighbor cats dig their way through the insulation and into our storage space. We hear them, and evict them promptly. But it makes me wonder what happens while we sleep. Or while we're gone. Will they invite other cats over for a large party with our boxed junk?

I just keep reminding myself that it's just not my house. Then I don't care about the lack of level lines, extra holes in the wall, leaks in the bathroom, crazy placement of light fixtures, etc.


cb said...

your house is a bit um, jerry- rigged.

why pick on jerry anyways?

why not 'ronald-rigged'

what did jerry ever do wrong?

slyboots2 said...

Rink a dink is how I think of it. Let's just say that home building and major renovations should NEVER be approached as a "hobby". And a level should always be involved.