Monday, July 25, 2005

New job- recap

After 10 or so months of looking, I had my first day at work. Now I'll be up front and state that I will not be blogging about work. I think it's bad form, and I don't want to get fired. And since I'm working for a bank, it's probably an even worse idea.

But I will say that I like the people quite a bit, and it feels good to learn some new things. And I'm bloody tired. That whole 8 hour stint without a good nap or movie in the middle is rough. I've gotten soft. I'm sure that the kitties are a little traumatized by the neglect, but I haven't asked them.

I'll write more tomorrow- I'm just tired as hell and need to not be at a computer for a while.


(S)wine said...

yea, you're soft.
do you have kids?
those bastards whip you up in shape good; I CRAVE an 8 hr shift to replace the 13 hr. craziness of caring for a one year old.

Anonymous said...

Hooray! I'm so happy that you like the people you're working with, so far. I hope you continue to enjoy it, and I hope you get used to the new routine soon. ^_^

slyboots2 said...

Thanks Allison! You've helped keep me sane during the search...

And LX- I don't have kids. Just cats. Thus I am weak. And very, very soft. I'm hoping that the world of high finance will bust me into some semblance of shape. I'm not naturally this way, I was drawn like this.

(S)wine said...

the "yea you're soft" comment was meant in a joking way. i hope you didn't take offense.

slyboots2 said...

Not at all! I admit it freely! I am squishy soft. And not in a good way, either. Getting a job was integral to not going totally batshit.