Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Hockey is Back!!!

And whatever. I don't give a shit. Really. I was totally faking it. Cuz I just felt like jerking someone's chain a little.

I'm not sleeping worth shit and am getting a leetle testy. Poor spouse took this week off for vacation, and hasn't had much fun with his wife. No going to museums. He's going solo. Poor boy. Blame the flu. And blame Canada. Why? Because they love hockey. And I like circular logic. It comforts me.


(S)wine said...

Yeay! The fucking Mullets are back in business.

slyboots2 said...

And the irony is that the F1 drivers whom I adore are talking about striking. Dammit. They just can't leave the sports that I actually love alone. I had better bone up on my rules of curling or cricket or something.