Monday, July 11, 2005

Gotta love famous murder weapons.


MEXICO CITY - One of history’s most infamous murder weapons, the icepick police believe was used to kill Russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky, has resurfaced just weeks before the 65th anniversary of his assassination.

Tests to authenticate the weapon have been delayed by a dispute between the current owner, who may hope to sell it, and Trotsky’s grandson, who wants it for his museum — evidence of the ongoing struggle between socialist ideals and capitalism.

The icepick is in the hands of Ana Alicia Salas, whose father apparently removed it from an evidence room while serving as a secret police commander in the 1940s. She is considering selling the foot-long mountaineer’s icepick, but hasn’t decided on a price.

(I'll be surprised if it doesn't wind up in that infamous casino...the one that buys Virgin Mary sandwiches, et. al.)


(S)wine said...

strange parallels. i was talking to Polly to-day about Frida Kahlo. Which reminded me of her alleged affair with Trotsky. And then here's your entry. bizarro connections, hey?

slyboots2 said...

Synchronicity. Gotta love it. And not just the Jungian aspects of it- I might have to break out the vinyl tonight, in honor of my fixation on the 80s.