Thursday, July 06, 2006

I heard the news today...

I was thinking about this- since Ken Lay died, what are they going to do about reparations? Can they attach the house in Colorado? Or was he smart enough to put it in someone else's name, so it's not even remotely legally connected to him or his estate? Little weasel. I don't care if he was a nice guy. I heard people on the radio yesterday talking about what a stand up fellow he was. The bastard was a crook who took millions of dollars from people who I'm pretty sure could be classified as nice people. Nice people don't steal money via white collar crime. Nice people don't get convicted of same.

I am somewhat familiar with bankruptcy laws in Texas, after a bank job dealing with the bankruptcy codes of many states. Basically his personal homes there are safe. As it was explained to me, Texas (and to a smaller extent, Florida) was founded by debtors. Thus they have elaborate ways of keeping homesteads and personal property intact. So in all likelihood, somewhat akin to the bankrupcy of Fife Symington (onetime AZ governor, if you need a refresher) very little will go to the block to pay back the aggrieved victims. These guys are wily as hell, and know all about shielding themselves behind a labrynth of legal entities and other people's names.

Bastards. Ah well. At least we know that Kenny Boy is currently not enjoying his vacation. I'm not gleeful about his death, per se. I would've rather seen this whole thing play itself out in court- as I think that there was some chance of bleeding him for part of the ill-gotten gains. Now I suspect there's none.


(S)wine said...

the ny times had a surprisingly semi-positive editorial on his death.

slyboots2 said...

Pussies. They have done some amazing about facing in the last few years. Where are the bulldogs at the Grey Lady?

(S)wine said...

see my and Ronin's discussion on that, on his web log.