Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Anniversary-4th of July edition

34 years ago today I lost my first tooth. My Uncle John was over for dinner, then we were going to East Helena for the fireworks. We were making handmade chocolate ice cream- using a hand crank machine (god, were we stupid).
My front tooth was all wiggly, and it hurt a bit. I was scared as hell about losing it- I didn't believe that another one would grow in. My dad and uncle talked me into sitting still. Then my uncle popped it out. There was a stunned moment, then the blood started. And I lost my composure (like I had much of it at the age of 6 anyway) and started crying. And laughing at the same time. In that almost scizophrenic way that kids have.
Long story short- the tooth grew in. They all came in straight and healthy and I never had braces. The fireworks were always fun. Especially if someone made a run to the rez for some M80s- ever see what they do to a metal garbage can? It will basically raise about 3 feet into the air and implode. All at once. With a tremendous noise. Now that's some serious creeker fun. And yes, the uncle in East Helena lives on the creek. The ice cream was a little sloppy, but delicious. And we never used the hand crank machine again. I'm pretty sure it's still stored in my dad's basement somewhere.


(S)wine said...

i think 34 years ago i started losing my sanity. is that possible for a 3-year-old?

slyboots2 said...

why the hell not? Kids are such templates of their environment- for better or worse.