Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Who's the biggest fat cat in the jungle?

I just read an article about the Christian right and some serious infighting about priorities. One of the biggest touchpoints appears to be the idea of an environmental Christian. Seems that there are many in the fundamentalist and evangelical movements who believe in "creation care" which is another way of saying that they believe God wants humans to be responsible stewards of the earth. Seems that there is another group who believe that these ideals are wrong, and part of a leftist, liberal influx. I also read Jimmy Carter's new book, and saw some of the same debate. Very interesting.
What I'm guessing will prevail is whichever side of the debate can pull in the most political financing. Power seems to follow money. I doubt that the 19th century form of evangelical (abolitionist, teetotler, etc.) would see any kind of ascendency- as grass roots movements don't have the ears of the powerful anymore. What I have seen is the influence of the very monied powerful religious aristocracy.
So I plan on sitting back and watching them fight amongst themselves for the bones of the politicians. The politicians will cater to the richest of the pack, and we'll just basically be left to make do with the leavings. And the mess. And the ever-heating earth. And the crappy jobs. And the diminished civil rights. Etc. Etc. Etc.


RONIN said...

Don't forget about all the loonies who don't give a toss about the environment because they think "the Rapture" is gonna
happen any day now...

slyboots2 said...

Right. I forgot about that contingent. Ah, the rapture...

(S)wine said...

i love that feckin' song.