Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Last night I cracked open the single-malt (for the first time in months- it's called rationing- I can't afford to replace the nectar of the gods...) and finished watching The Secret Agent. Nothing like Robin Williams playing a psycho killer to make for a good finish on the day. Then I cracked open the book itself (Dover edition- $3.00) to re-read it. Last time I read it, I was the TA for a class on Terrorism and Political Violence and had to read it to grade the tests.

The movie-not as bad as they say on IMDB (for perspective, they oughta sit through Herbie- Fully Loaded if they want to experience true greatness of badness). Like I said, I loves me a Robin Williams villian turn. Hates me a Robin Williams good guy experience What Dreams May Come- was unfuckingwatchable in my book. I wanted to gouge my eyes out with a pen whilst sitting through it. And we will not discuss Snatch Adams ( I know I'm misspelling- it's intentional- I really didn't like the guy to start with- met him in college once). Treacly messes, all of them.

So. A Joseph Conrad night. Then I started watching The Sheltering Sky. Gotta say I wasn't a big fan of the book. And the movie isn't all that promising. But I'll give it a shot- Paul Bowles is a narrarator in it, which is interesting. And he sits in a cafe gazing sorrowfully at the actors. Love the sorrowful author turn. Who wouldn't? Imagine Hemingway gazing intently at Cooper and Hayes in the 1930s adaptation of A Farewell to Arms and wondering why Cooper is wearing as much eye makeup as Hayes. At least Adolph Menjou isn't horrible in that one.

And I would pay good money to see Capote in some shot of In Cold Blood- maybe as a prisoner in the jail. That would entertain me.

Anyhew, that's the evening past. Adaptations of novels, and the actual source novels themselves.


(S)wine said...

i tell you; none of the adaptations of Hemingway's novels hold up well. xcept, perhaps, Bogey and BAcall in Have and Have Not

slyboots2 said...

And that was merely because of them, I suspect. They were so very lovely together.

(S)wine said...

yes, most likely.
the storyline was changed quite a bit (from Hem's); but can't beat those two on the silver screen, can ya. goddamn, i wish i was around in those days--and this age.

slyboots2 said...

Agreed. Only ones who come close are Myrna and Bill Powell. And they just don't have the steam coming off of their skin like Bacall and Bogart. None of whom have teamed up in movies for over 40 years, btw. Sad state of affairs.

(S)wine said...

agreed. Myrna and Bill work just fine, but...yea, no steam. none o' that fine tension.