Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Spring cleaning

Ya all mighta noticed the new template. And I finally roused myself off of my lazy ass (metaphorically speaking) and added links. Yup. If you're not included, don't be offended- this took me HOURS of trial and error to figure out. That's why I'm not a programmer. I hate that kind of stuff. Photoshop kills me. And I hate Flash. Makes me almost violent. The sheer frustration of it all. Give me a pencil and some paper, damnit- I'll just draw the fucking thing myself!BRAAAAWWRRR!
Anyway- hats off to the programmers of the world- and the graphics designers who can tolerate working with that kind of crap.


bedmonster said...

I LIKE the new layout! Very nice! They are colors I love and would have picked. Hee hee!

I hate programming, too. What's strange is that I'm pretty good with Flash animations. I do well thinking in flat space and time simultaneously. Go figure.

And I can't believe our site's linked on your blog! I love the title, too. Mwa ha ha. Perfect. Keep up the good work. ;)

slyboots2 said...

Well, it all does sound kinda epic. Like there are Greek gods and goddesses involved both helping and stymieing the proceedings.
And all I have to say about the cursed Flash is that I hate it beyond belief. That's all. Hate it.

(S)wine said...

as a "graphic designer" aka Editor aka Layout Designer aka employed but not making enough, i thank ye.

hats off to programmers, i agree, but hats back on to their social skeelz.


slyboots2 said...

I love the programmers and designers- they are my people. In my last major professional incarnation I was the steward/butleress of the pack of them. Lovely, lovely job. Lovely people.