Thursday, May 25, 2006

And the beat(ing) goes on

Just had another interview. Second one in two weeks. Can't say much about it, other than I really didn't get that "I've got this one in the bag" feeling. But then I had that feeling about the last one, and we all know how that went. I'm still here. In my jammies. On a weekday. At 10AM. So maybe I do have this one, and am just not getting my job radar very well. Dunno.

But I will go here to make myself happy.
If you can watch this without sympathetically bobbing your head, you're stronger stuff than I am.

Kenya, Kenya, Kenya....


bedmonster said...

My GOD. I just watched that thing like 4 times in a row. Mesmerized! And yet oddly happy. And nearly choking trying not to laugh my ass off in the library. BAD!

My friend in Germany LOVES that website.

You just picked up my lunch break, my friend.

slyboots2 said...

It's the happiest place on earth. Fuck Disneyland.
Only in Kenya- there's the lions.

Anonymous said...

I like to watch it whilst chewing on a Giraffe leg! A real delicacy here in the states, but not in Kenya....

slyboots2 said...

That is my favorite part. Only in Kenya.