Saturday, May 20, 2006

General question

Why does religion- pretty much any religion I've been exposed to, anyway- make people so completely humorless? They seem to typically be unable to see themselves in a humorous way, and their beliefs are totally NOT FUNNY!!! Well, I think that's funny. Not necessarily in a mean light. If there indeed is a god, and if he is at all what I think he's like, he has a pretty developed sense of humor. (I kind of imagine a John Cleese kind of guy) For example- the platypus. And another example- the tapir. A non-animal example- farts. (ok- so that is kind of animal- since they produce them- but it is a gas, which is not an animal.)
I understand sincerity. I understand heartfelt principles. But seriously- lighten the fuck up. You might enjoy more, and might catch a few things left out there to laugh at by a mirth-filled deity.

And then there are those religious ones who are just plain mean. Screw the lot of yous, I say. (you know who you are...intolerant, nasty people...)

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