Thursday, May 18, 2006


So I hear that Paul McCartney and the newest Mrs. Paul have decided to split. Sad. But even sadder, and quite embarrassing is that they are blaming the media. That is incredible. It's interesting to know that they allowed the media to share their lives so intimately. The media was at the breakfast table with them. The media tucked them in at night. The media held their hands during long walks in the rain. The media was there when they dealt the the minutae of their daily lives.
I call shenanegans. They, and every fucking celebrity out there needs to get a reality check right about now. I, a non-celebrity normal (reasonably) person am calling them all out. Every last one of them. NO MORE blaming the media for their own fuck ups. Face it, Paul and Mrs. Paul- you JUST DON'T GET ALONG anymore. Period. No blaming anyone but yourselves. You're adults dammit. Don't be stupid. It's silly and regrettable. Makes you look like major tools.


(S)wine said...

that fucking peg leg is getting 300+ mil.

slyboots2 said...

Well, she did have to bang the guy. And that can't be a real thrill anymore.