Friday, August 04, 2006

Well. It's official.

I have a slipped disc. Found out yesterday. Am getting treatment. But I cannot sit for extended periods of time. So no workee for mee. And no writing for meee.

It's an 11 year old injury that's only now getting the attention that it needed- stupid fucking student health service doctors....just diagnosing it as muscle strain...

Ok- now I will go and ice my back and lie down. Because I must.


(S)wine said...

well fuse that mothafucka back in...
you know, with cocktails.

slyboots2 said...

Damn ram, kilomogram! Already got started. Ha Ha, I say.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear that.

Fortunately, with the accelerating pace of technological change we'll all be cyborgs soon anyway. It may be just a few years before they can send nano-bots through your bloodstream to build you a new disc.

Just when you had a job, too. Damn.

slyboots2 said...

Yeah- you'd think this woulda happened when I was home, moping around, doing nothing in particular. Oh well- good excuse to take a nap.