Wednesday, June 22, 2005

It's raining outside

And I know that my friends in MT will smugly say, "what did you expect- it's bloody Seattle!"

I'm not complaining, though. I actually like the rain. In AZ when we were there- rainy days were a wonderful break from the opressive sunshine. And yes, 300 days or so of sunshine a year is oppressive. Especially when it comes with heat. Withering heat. Heat that is as dangerous and scary as the 30 below winters of MT.

Growing up, I actually liked rainy days. It allowed me the prime opportunity to not go outside and play. I could stay indoors and not face being told to go out. I liked to read. I liked to watch bad 70s tv. In fact, I preferred it. Probably has a lot to do with all of the sunburns that I suffered. Seriously. I burn like crazy. And it really hurts. And what with my recent history of melanoma, my instincts weren't all wrong.

And after rain was kinda fun- we had a dirt road back in the day (paved when I was 10). And there was a huge puddle that formed in front of our house after a good gullywasher. I would virtually bathe in it. It was fun. And I'm sure my mother really appreciated it. My affinity for mud, I mean. Makes the ceramics degree a little more logical, perhaps. But no, I've never wrestled in it with anyone. And considering my fitness level and age, don't think it's in the cards for the future- immediate or otherwise. It would take a lotta money or a whole lotta booze to induce me to do so (and that much alcohol would likely leave me comatose, not in wrestling form).

Anyway- that's the weather report. And I'm sticking to it.


Gabs said...

be glad! i haven't seen rain in several weeks! don't you get sick of hearing that?

slyboots2 said...

Oh I really am. I like the rain. There's something romantic about sitting inside listening to the raindrops whilst reading Proust (which I'm doing right now) that feels very right. And I do not miss the sunny days of an AZ summer.

Anonymous said...

I like the rain, too. I love the weather here. And I know all about burning- I redoubled my efforts to prevent it when my father started getting cancer dug out of his arms.

Rain is good writing weather. The place with the best rain-sounds of any place I've ever been, though, was Pittsburgh.