Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The sun might also rise

And damn if it isn't time. I'm wondering if I am suffering from the seasonal depressional thingy- my mother sent me a lamp that's supposed to help. I guess it's time to turn the damned thing on and see what happens.

Because right about now it's everything I can do to put one foot in front of the other and walk across the room. Getting out of bed is a trial. Despite the kitty who keeps jumping on my tummy and launching himself off the bed. I am hammered. By the Gods. And don't like it much.

This is in all likelihood a very temporary thing. Always is. By later today, I'll be feeling much, much better. Or much, much worse. And then if it's the latter, tomorrow will be totally different. I'm used to these fluctuations. But that doesn't make them feel any better. It's just a little rough around the edges.

I made the mistake of looking at my inbox from work online and saw the sheer volume of crap produced...most of which doesn't have anything to do with me at all. But it still drags me down like lead weights attached to my ankles. Thankfully I am fine with the delete button.

But it does look like a break in the clouds outside. Some small favor from above, and that might make a difference. We'll see. If not, I think it's seriously time to consider baking a batch of cookies. And then eating a few. Despite the weight loss programme. Because warm cookies according to mom are a gift of hope. (or something like that- it's probably against some commandment or other to falsly attribute something to mom- but that just would figure today...)

Nothing to see here...time to move along, folks...


(S)wine said...

once, living in L.A., twenty-three years of age, i shut the drapes and stayed in bed for 4 straight days. i didn't eat. just drank. aaahh. the killer weight loss programm(e). POVERTY. i looked good back then. slim. hungry. the good days. and bad.

slyboots2 said...

And probably mean as a pack of coyotes. For good reason. And that would get me fired, right quick. Because I can't be the mean one around there- that role is taken.