Tuesday, November 21, 2006

And I really liked Will Smith

Now I am convinced that he's another Hollywood idiot. Just like the rest. Idiot.

From msnbc.com-
Will Smith says he and his wife Jada Pinkett Smith homeschool their children because the most valuable things he learned he didn’t get from school. “The date of the Boston Tea Party does not matter,” Smith told Reader’s Digest. “I know how to learn anything I want to learn. I absolutely know that I could learn how to fly the space shuttle because someone else knows how to fly it, and they put it in a book. Give me the book, and I do not need somebody to stand up in front of the class.”

Now to be charitable, it's cool that he gives a shit. But the charity ends there. I really question the judgement of sending his kids off into the world without the input of teachers and social peers- even peers not in his social circle. I had some amazing teachers, and some crappy ones. Each as valuable as the next. Without the crappy ones, I wouldn't have known that there can be crappy professionals. And that's value, folks. That not every expert has the answer. I think that by hermetically sealing off their kids- especially with the kind of money involved, they run a very real risk of creating patsys. And I don't give a rat's ass about Will's street cred. By now the edge has been blunted, and those kids don't share the experience. No fucking way. Him telling them about it has no relevance. About as effective as my grandfather prattling away about his war experiences. When he saw no action on any front- vis a vis actual combat, that is.

And the arrogance to imply that because he can actually read a book he is on par with the person who a) wrote the book, and b)studied and became an expert/professional...well, chalk that one up to an actor's hubris. Somewhere along the line it seems, Mr Smith has lost touch with a bit of reality. Now he only plays one on tv. So look out world- if he plays a doctor, he'll be performing surgery on the dining room table in no time- because he read a book about it.

I'm probably taking his comments too literally- but I think there is a real danger there. The crazy neighbor chick pulled her troubled little girl out of school and is allegedly "homeschooling" her. It isn't good. That little girl not only is deprived of people who can help her, but will grow up with a serious disadvantage socially and educationally. Because her mother is somewhat of a slackjaw who doesn't appear to be doing a damned thing besides plopping the kid in front of a computer and then leaving for the day. Not that this is the case with the Smith familia- but the danger is there- if Will does it, then I can do it. Yeah.

Oh- and I did get the job extended. Now the good part- I can rely on a paycheck past the end of the month. The bad part- the job tends towards the crazy. Which is not boring...but is damaging...in another sense...who the hell needs an ego, anyway?


Bill Edmonson said...

Although home schooling can be inappropriately done, and it can create "hermetically sealed".."patsys", often times it's done right. My business partner was home schooled, and his poop is much more in a group than mine is. His folks made sure he was involoved in group sports/activities, he had tutors for special projects, and was taken on field trips etc. My conclusion? There are innumerable ways to screw up a kid. Home schooling, public school, and private school, all provide great ways to mess up any child. The balancing factor is good parenting. Really good attentive parenting can trump most ghastly school shortcomings. This comes from personal experience. I'm a parent, and I went to school when I was a kid. :)

Bwana said...

I wonder if Will Smith's son will be a future star in "Seven Degrees of Separation"

(S)wine said...

these people's kids don't need to worry about conforming and fitting. i mean, come on...can you see Gwynneth's beloved Apple going to a fucking inner city D.C. school and actually surviving past the first day?

another thing: these are ACTORS. of course they think they can read something and understand it/learn it. The Space Shuttle analogy goes to show you what a fucking idjit the Fresh Prince really is.

congrats on the job--and your future systematic grind down by the Corporation. and welcome to our ranks.

slyboots2 said...

Now see Bill- M-Man is the one exception to the above who I thought about whilst I was ranting. I ADORE M-Man, and really do look up to him as a human being. His parents did an exceptional job.

But seriously, do you see Jada and Will working that hard, with that much due diligence to avoid raising a passel of train-wrecks to be? I am thinking Nicole Richie. I am thinking ... any number of fucked up little rich kids. HUBRIS, I tell ye. I'm callin out the Fresh Prince. HUBRIS! And I will NOT allow him to operate on my spleen on the kitchen table. I'm not convinced he could figure out what a spleen is from a book.