Thursday, May 19, 2005

Overachieving Thursday

By request:

Spouse and his roommate in college Brian were studying for their first Econ test. They were drinking cup after cup of Yuban coffee- they had no coffee pot and figured that this was a quality alternative. They stayed up all night. Spouse was also smoking at the time (nasty habit- lucky he stopped before meeting would've been bad). After several hours of this self-abuse, their intestines rebelled, and they had to use the bathroom in shifts for the remainder of the night.
Morning came, and they had to take the test. Sadly, their tummies were still unsettled, and they took the test with that nasty, rumbly, sweaty feeling...

And they never drank Yuban again.

Moral to this story- Yuban is a bitch mistress who will cut you when she's able.


cb said...

The best part of the story is when Benke makes the noises, his unhappy bowels made.

He makes a noise like an oldtime biplane shooting off it's machine gun against the Red Baron.

Other nice details are that it was Yuban instant coffee, with flavor crystals, and they consumed the entire jar.

Oh and during the test, they both kept getting up, at different times, and sometimes at the same time, to go to the bathroom.

The prof. (maybe Walton) thought they were up to something.

Cheatin' or some such.

slyboots2 said...

If I knew how to add sounds to the blog, this would be the perfect opportunity. But alas, I have no such proficiency.

And they probably were cheating- morse code of the bowels...