Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Long weekend hangover of the soul

Well, it's not like I needed a weekend away from work, or anything. But it was nice to have Spouse in the house for a few days of doing blissful nothing.

Not like anything profoundly exciting happened.

But a few observations-

-protect your hearing. Our good friend has trouble now (probably due to Iron Maiden- he didn't say) and it sucks.

-I have to admit to a shortcoming- I have never, never been able to fully distinguish between The Smiths and The Cure. Yeah, I know there's a difference. And I usually do well when I guess The Cure, since they get more airplay. But unless I'm very familiar with the song, I don't hear the difference. Lame, indeed.

-Cabbage, whilst being the subject of my sole remembered sentence of conversational Russian, makes me a tad gassy. Sorry, Spouse. You were warned, though.

-Reno 911 is a very funny show. Love it, love it , love it. According to sources of mine in the Bozeman Police Dept, the boys (and girls) in blue like it plenty.

-My cat Timmy looks more like a seal than ever before. He is losing his legs- they are being swallowed by his expanding torso. I need to figure out how he's accessing the extra calories. Before we end up with a sea mammal in the house.

-I'm probably the only person in cyberspace who doesn't have an opinion about a) Lindsey Lohan's weight, or b)whether or not Tom Cruise is really in love with Katie Holmes. I guess it just doesn't matter.

-and finally, there's a game called Sudoku- that's bloody addictive. Nastily so. And now I must play some more.

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