Thursday, September 14, 2006

Just go away

That's what I hate about this country. The attitude of put up or shut up. Which is totalitarian bullshit, if not just plain rudeness.

I was listening to NPR whilst waking up this morning, and reminded of that particular regretful attitude. And anger slammed into my chest like a couple of hefty fists.

Some woman was upset because on 9/11 NPR allowed some American Muslims to share the airwaves. Seems they didn't get the memo that 9/11 is only for flag-waving patriots, and never for different voices from different AMERICANS. That somehow, being Muslim isn't enough marginalization. If you also express opinions that don't fit these intolerant assholes' agendas, you should just leave. Fuck that. That's like saying that blacks in the civil rights movement should've just returned to Africa- rather than challenge and overcome intolerance. That's like saying that Messrs Washington, Jefferson, et. al. had no right to challenge authority, because they should've just left instead- perhaps to form their own perfect union elsewhere. Because those with the strong hand basically do not want to have to think differently.

The sickest thing about this whole attitude is that it encourages a culture of exclusivity. That because I shut out your voice, I don't have to admit that it even exists. I can basically decide not to have any kind of dialogue at all- and therefore never have to change. I can comfortably exist in the knowledge that I alone am in the right- and shut the gate behind me in my exclusive gated community- far from the unpleasantness of reality.

Well, guess what- that doesn't work so well! Because change is inevitable. And those American Muslims weren't on the planes. And they weren't dancing in the streets. They were among the dead. They were among the aggrieved. They are ours. And I love them too. So fuck those who would try to marginalize them. I will always march in their support. I would do it for the Poles, the Jews, the Latinos, et. al. Because I am AMERICAN, and I believe that everyone has a right to a voice and an opinion. And I would face a firing squad to ensure that right for them. (like that would ever happen). Yeah- that makes me some kind of bloody saint, I know. I just have my dander up and all.

And then to hear that Ann Richards has died- really makes me sadder. What a lady. Google her if you don't know who she was.


Anonymous said...

I heard that on NPR and it pissed me off as well but my anger was tempered after hearing the last letter read on the subject. While NPR quoted letters from two intollerant bigots, they followed that up with someone who said the piece made them realize how 9/11 made her more prejudiced and she needed to be aware how those reactions didn't reflect her true beleifs. That made me think that at least NPR "gets" it - and they're willing to show both perspectives, perhaps enlightening those nationalistic people in the audience with 12-year-old mentalities.

(S)wine said...

i would've googled Ann Richards--in her better days.
(also, i didn't have to google her to know who she was. rip)
and amen to this post.

slyboots2 said...

You all have NO idea how often this stupid, stupid kind of crap was expelled from the mouth of idiots in my youth. That's what happens when you grow up with people whose longest road trip was to Boise when they were 12. It just gets my blood pressure up in the very high range. But yeah, I caught the NPR slap down, and it made things a little better.

And El- I figured that you would know Ann on sight, not just by name. Because you are the maven of all media.

slyboots2 said...

Can a boy be a maven? I hope so, because I wasn't trying to be mean or anything.

(S)wine said...

right on; i'll take that.
yea. i actually got to meet her thrice.
that's what working for Meet The Press offers in terms of benefits.
or rather offered.

slyboots2 said...

Secret's out then. I didn't know which media outlet we have been discussing. Lucky, lucky you. I have heard from many reports that she was a really decent gal. Who didn't mind being called a gal.

(S)wine said...

or broad.