Monday, May 05, 2008

Go see "Iron Man". It is good. Now I have a serious thing for Robert Downey, Jr. Which kind of sucks, since it pulls attention away from Jack White and Michael Schumacher. What's a girl to do?

Roundup of the weekend: Saw above movie. Had sun yesterday, so weeded some- until shoulder revolted, and had to stop and watch a movie on tv. Watched "Duel in the Sun." Hated "Duel in the Sun." Fast forwarded through large parts of "Duel in the Sun" to make it stop. Think that Jennifer Jones was horribly miscast in "Duel in the Sun." But still think that Gregory Peck was really, really beautiful.
Back to weekend roundup: Spoke with many family members. Things are good. Settling down, really- the people in the family (actually person) who was all winky/crazy has seen the error of his ways, and gotten a nice fresh breath of sanity. All is well. Drama averted for now.
Kman got his car back together, and appears to have rebuilt the engine to the point where the aged oil leaks are historic, rather than current. Now he will prepare for track day for his motorcycle. Not sure how I feel about this...
Bought books at the bookstore- written by people I know via MySpace. Because they are my friends, dammit, and I owe them allegiance as such...right?
Actually cooked. Which was a nice return to being a normal person.
Drank too much coffee. Ate things with MSG in them at a party and got a nasty headache and hangover from it on Sunday morning. Thus the too much coffee.
Did the rest of the typical and normal weekend stuff- with the addition of wrote about 20 pages of the project that has started to consume my life around the edges. And I gotta say I kind of like it. So far. We'll see....


Anonymous said...

20 pages!!
20 pages!!
monumental. good job.
i'm lucky if i can write 20 words in a weekend.

slyboots2 said...

Yeah, well it's balanced out by nothing, nada, zip this last weekend. Too much other crap in the way.