Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Meanwhile back at the farm...

While some spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on Star Wars cloaks, and others buy fake limbs for the underprivileged, the world continues to spin.

On and on.

There you have it. Very few certainties, though. Only these:

Romanian wine is surprisingly tasty. Last night I polished off half of a bottle of Feteasca Neagra '99 that I saw at the store. Oddly metallic smell. But lovely to drink. It kind of snuck up on me while I babysat my email, and watched a movie. There you have it. I'll be trying many other Baltic vintages now. Because there seems to be quite a representative population of people with heavily accented voices, large bags of potatoes, cabbages and onions in their shopping carts, and multiple bottles of hooch with Cyrillic script on the label peering out around the starchy things. Ah, for the romance of the vast Steppes...

And then there's the movie. Kboy bought Stranger than Fiction, and we watched it last night. Reminded me in feel of both I Heart Huckabees and The Royal Tennenbaums. Would make a good little film festival grouped together.

And that's all. Just kind of checking in- more to get back into the habit of writing than anything else.

Gotta go watch the emails, and drink some more wine. Tasty, indeed. According to the email that my mother sent me (she's been spamming the shit out of me all week...sigh...she's my mom), there's probably either nicotine or MSG in it to make it addictive. No? Right. It's WINE. Thus it doesn't need anything else to be addictive. Duly noted.


Anonymous said...

aaah, it's all right. it's wine, as you say. good choice, on the Feteasca. if you ever find "Premiat-Riesling" get it. I think it may be outta bid-ness, but there have GOTS to be some bottles still floating around the world.

slyboots2 said...

I got some kind of white Romanian wine yesterday. Don't remember what it was, and am too lazy to go in the kitchen and see. Will report back later.

Then on to the Moldovian vintage. And the Hungarian cherry wine. Because call me curious, wino.