Monday, October 23, 2006

He's a rolling stone.

And he won't stay at home.

Boy wonder gets to go to ....Cincinnati. Lucky bastard.

Now how the hell does he get all of the glamour gigs?

I couldn't tell you. But my guess is that he's just lucky that way. Work has sent him to the following locations: Milwaukee, Salt Lake City, Vancouver, BC., Portland, San Diego, Hamburg, and now Cincinnati. I am hoping that he takes advantage of the native cuisine and helps himself to some tater tot hot dish. Because everyone needs a good food induced butt plug from time to time.

Sadly, there seems to have been no effort to get him even close to a direct flight. Poor pudding gets to spend over 9 hours getting there. I'd fire the idiot who set that one up. Because I am irritable that way.

He spent over an hour last night reviewing laws surrounding toiletries on the plane. And then had to go to the store and buy plastic baggies that were the exact size. Because we are afraid of the security. Worse than the threat itself, it seems. Will they confiscate our toothpaste if the baggies aren't pint sized, and are merely sandwich sized???


Bill Edmonson said...

I was once treated to an entire summer in North Western Ohio. Ah the gleaming metropolis of Toledo, the cultured afternoon breezes of a Cincinati port, the rolling corn fields of...... whatever Ohio sucks. It sucks so hard Indiana gets 500 feet narrower every year.

slyboots2 said...

he ate at Applebees- where the most exotic beer on tap was...Samuel Adams. Sigh...

I forgot- he's also gotten to go to Atlanta, Orlando, Northwestern Florida, Texas/Mexico, NYC, Chicago, and probably some that I have forgotten.

But he will no doubt always remember Cincinnati. Where he got Samuel Adams.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he'll get to go to Manila next. The local beer is so bad that they actually import Colt 45.

(S)wine said...

wow...i spent about 4 months in Cinncy, in 1993, working on a movie called "Milk Money" and I loved that town. I lived in Cleveland during 1980-82 and visited Toledo, was sort of, uh...bland--even for a 12 year old boy. But Toledo claims Toni Morrison, so it's aiight by me.

slyboots2 said...

And Toledo is named after a city in Spain. Which is more of an accomplishment than Cleveland- named after a German principality. There is your geography lession- probably superfluous. But I just had to feel like I know something today.

(S)wine said...

i've been to both, and i can safely say that the ORIGINAL Toledo is much, much nicer.

slyboots2 said...

I figured as much. The closest I've been to the original is via a poster in my living room in college of El Greco's version. I haven't seen the original- obviously- as I believe it's in the Prado. That would be a good trip...