Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Buried alive

I drive every morning. All is ok until I reach the tunnels. Ah, the tunnels. One longer than the other. But I am finding it harder to cope with getting stalled by traffic in the tunnels.

Back story. A few years ago, we went on a camping trip with friends. There was a bike ride through a mile-long railroad tunnel. I had a complete vertigo moment in the cold, damp dark. My light wasn't sufficient to see the sides and roof of the tunnel, and I couldn't tell where I was. Only could see the little speck of light at the end. I almost walked the whole thing. Wouldn't be the first person, I am told. But Kenga found a better light in his pack, and saved the day. I was able to continue.

Now I am getting that walls-closing-in-holy-crap feeling when I'm in these tunnels too. It's not pretty, people. I just keep remembering to breathe. Then I remember the fire in the Swiss tunnel a couple of years ago, and the tension ratchets up a notch or two. Then I think about the crap that I'm breathing in the tunnel. Then I think about the Boston tunnel- where the ceiling crushed people. And it isn't a good way to start- or finish- the day.

Otherwise everything is fine. We're trying to rent the apartment downstairs and having a really tough go of it this time- for some reason. And it's taking up far too much time. Crappity crap crap.

But otherwise everything is fine.


(S)wine said...

that fucking tunnel fire.
it was on "Seconds from Disaster" on the Nat'l Geo Channel.
one thing I've learned; if there's a fire in one of them bad boys, turn around and RUN outta there.
my fear is of drowning, but i suppose being overcome by smoke or crushed by concrete ranks up there.

my preferred way of dying:
1. carbon monoxide
2. overdose (preferrably on smack)
3. freezing

Bwana said...

There's more than tunnels coming down on our freakin' heads here in the Commonwealth.

Anonymous said...

YOUR MOM is fine! Hehehheheeeeeee!

slyboots2 said...

It's all fine as long as I don't have to sit there...stalled...and replaying that story in my mind. That's when it gets hairy.

And I think just going to sleep and dying sounds perfectly lovely. Especially if it involves my own bed.

Um- Andrea- what has my mother have to do with tunnels? Do I want to know, or are you getting all icky-Freudian on me? If so, stop it. Bad girl.

Anonymous said...

Where is that tunnel? I want to ride my bike through it.

(S)wine said...

i have this thing about dying in my sleep. i'm afraid of it. i NEED toknow i'm dying and not just dreaming a long fucking interminable dream.

slyboots2 said...

The tunnel is on the MT/ID border. I'll give you details if you want to roadtrip. Really fun trip- but hairy start to the ride. The total is 14 miles. Part of it is over train trestle bridges- they are scary if you don't like heights.

And I don't want to wake up from that long dream. Because I imagine a fade to black- like in the movies.