Monday, October 03, 2005

Funny how these things happen.

While I was focused on the stupid test last week, I had one of those creative epiphanies that I have always loved, and enjoyed too infrequently.

I have been working on a novel for a very long time. And been stuck in a couple of places for a couple of years. Total logic blocks. Things that didn't make sense. Couldn't think my way out of.

Then Wednesday night, after the concert (earthshaking one, that), I was laying in bed getting to sleep, and the answers to those problems with the plot just appeared. They were there. They were good. I ran them past Spouse in the morning, and he approved. Now we're back in play. I might get this thing written after all! It does mean totally re-structuring it from the ground up, but I'm fine with that.

Whoda thunk. That's all I'm saying.


Anonymous said...

Is the novel about me? I think that could really do some great things for it. Lol, just kidding. Good to talk to you today, and congrats on moving along in your novel! I'm writing a paper, do you think bisexuality is trendy? Just curious.

slyboots2 said...

Are you propositioning me? That's just wrong. On so many levels....

Trendy? I dunno. I do know that from things I've read, that it's a very polarizing thing in the gay/lesbian community. Personally, I think it's entirely plausible. Not for myself, I must say, but I think that basic sexuality is really all shades of grey. I've known plenty of people (all women, come to think of it) who have gone both ways. And were quite comfortable with both. So, whatever turns your crank...

Oh- watch your mail. Do NOT open around the chillins. Or the chitlins.

(S)wine said...

dude, NEVER run novel ideas or change by the Spouse. Spouses just fuck things up. In general, too.

slyboots2 said...

I suppose that's a good, tried and true rule. He's a good egg, and basically nods and agrees when it comes to this kind of thing. But yeah, there does come a point when it's all mine. Mine, mine, mine. Then he's out of the loop.

(S)wine said...

My "spouse" is never privy to my literary ideas. It works so much better this way. There is a great column by Michael Chabon (Wonder Boys) in Details magazine outlining the imminent failures of artists in general, and why we go on and create out of solitary confinement anyway--knowing that it will fail. It's wonderful. See if you can grab it. It kind of underscores my point--I think if you're an artist, you can't share in creating w/others. Look where it got Van Gough and Gauguin when they tried collaborating. One ended up with a severed ear, and the other ended up in fucking Tahiti. Far, far away from his partner.

(S)wine said...

Van Gogh, that is.

slyboots2 said...

But then you have John Gregory Dunne and Joan Didion. He's not the type to shoot down ideas, only a really good logic lapse filter. He hasn't read a damned thing- no one has but me. It's not there yet. But when I'm blah, blah, blahing about something, he will nod politely, and act like he's listening, and I know he probably isn't fully there, but it helps me get the words out somehow.

Since then, though, I haven't shared a bit- I'll get something done first and then see how it feels re. asking for his opinion. But your comments are duly noted, and I'll keep them in mind!

(S)wine said...

yea but the Donne-Didion union is rare...and mostly overshadowed by the likes of Bernstein-Ephron, et. al.

not saying it's not possible...just not probable, or conducive to anything brilliant.