Monday, August 22, 2005

Pissofy me off

Just a head's up- I might not have time tonight to blog fully- so I'm alerting my near and dear readers- I have eliminated the anon posting on this blog. The spam pissed me off enough to get rough. If this cramps your style, I apologize. But I really dislike the kind of crap that I'm seeing in my comments section, and can't figure out how to delete comments. So that's that.

And a nice morsel- on the bus tonight, I saw a man with a banana comb in his back pocket. Purple. Brought back the 70s big time. He did not have feathered hair, however. Just a retro comb.

Later dahlings!

1 comment:

(S)wine said...

that was me and my magic comb.

p.s. the way to delete comments is to click on that little trashcan icon at the bottom of each comment made.


that's how i do it.
this way you can still have "anons" post--some people aren't members of Blogger and must post as anons.