Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Nothing stays the same

Just when I got comfortable, things changed. I was told today that despite initial reports that my job was a 6 month contract, it will now end in September. This particularly blows, since I really like it, like the people and hate looking for work. The only real saving grace from the situation is that not only do they really like me, and have offered plenty of reference help, but it keeps me in the hero spot. I can't stay around long enough to muck anything up. I'm trying my best to put a positive spin on it all.
But it does go against my basically lazy nature to have to hustle for a job again. I really would like to settle into something and enjoy it for a while. After I was told, I called the temp office and was told that I would get re-assigned right away when this one ends. That is encouraging. I also applied online for about 6 other jobs.
The irony- when I took this one, I was asked by one of my supervisors if I planned on staying for a while. I assured her that I could commit to that. Her contract was terminated yesterday.

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