Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Getting to work

I tend to see plenty of noteworthy things (by my standards) on my way to and fro. Yesterday, while I was walking the 4 blocks to work, I was at a cross walk. On the other side of the street was a crazy homeless guy. He was looking at me and making faces and gestures. It took me a few seconds to realize that he liked (or disliked) my hair. I gave him plenty of room.
Today on the bus I listened to two women discussing childbirth. The one had an 8 pound 8 oz. baby boy. She did a week of spa treatments afterwards to feel like a human again. While they were going on and on and on about how advanced their babies are already developmentally, I was watching a couple of Hispanic women discuss a crochet hot-pink purse one was holding.
I pass by an art gallery or two on the way here. One of them in particular has lots of photo-realist landscapey kinds of things. I was pretty impressed by a couple of them until I saw them for the 3rd or 4th time. Then they became like visual Muzak. They are pretty, but pointless. I certainly wouldn't spend $2K on them.


(S)wine said...

feck those spa women and their developmentally-advanced kids. it's those kids who end up the pricks in school. and it all starts w/the parents.


Anonymous said...

Oh, those poor women, trying to increase their sense of self-worth through their kids. Although I can see being excited about stuff your kid does. If you aren't excited and engaged, you probably shouldn't be a parent. But there is a line, no doubt about it.

And fire takes away the smell of just about anything. ^_^ Although you often have to deal with an entirely different set of odors afterwards. And fire trucks tend to show up. Damn those fire trucks, killing the buzz.

I still gotta send you the good pictures from our roamings.

The new verification feature is interesting. I guess it's working - I don't see 11 kabajillion comments anymore.

slyboots2 said...

As Spouse put it- "must go to the spa to cleanse myself of the dirty babies."

They were also bery busy discussing how little weight they had gained. And how quickly it went away. All the while one of them was dribbling coffee all over her front.

Anonymous said...

I especially dislike the mothers who talk so loudly everyone hears everything.

Parks and restaurants are teeming with them.

I'm a parent, but I've still not figured this one out.