Sunday, January 29, 2006

Forgot to mention

In my rant about the soft wood that we walk upon, I forgot to mention the silly carpet in the bedrooms. I'm never a carpet fan. Despite cold Montana winters, I hate the stuff. I would rather have a hard-wood floor and some throw rugs that don't slip.

Anyway, someone who owns the house put in light beige berber carpet in the bedrooms. Then came the Fluffy. She was the cat who used to live here, if you've been following the plot to date. She was a marker. Bad, bad Fluffy. It took me a couple of weeks, with numerous applications of special enzyme solutions from the pet store to remove eau du Fluffy from the bedrooms. And on really damp days, there is a ghost...of a smell...and it's NOT me.

Pets and carpet are icky. Not to mention that they're havens for the fleas that infest the place. We bombed after moving in too- Sylvester, our foster kitty was infested. Luckily he didn't have worms. So carpet is stupid too. And the light color is even worse- the back bedroom is the walkway for getting into the house..from the, seriously, how stupid is that.

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