Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Foggy day in kitten town

For some reason it's been rough getting to sleep lately. What with the job (cough, cough) and all, I'm just tired. Thus the not many posts in the last week or so.

Lots of vivid dreams. Not VIVID like the porn studio- but just active. Wake up in a funk. And this morning it's seriously foggy outside. Matches the mental state inside.

All I got to say is that the word for the day is reluctance. I am reluctant to get out of bed. Equally reluctant to go outside into the fog. Reluctant to go do my silly job. What appeals is a nice pot of tea and the bed. Not in that order, and not at the same time. But I'm pretty sure you're smart enough and can make the leap of imagination to figure out what I'm saying.

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