Wednesday, January 02, 2008

He says I'm funny and cute

When I'm drunk. Which is certainly more celebratory than saying that I am a mean drunk. But I keep replaying the tapes and thinking, "did I make a total ass out of myself?" I'm told not, but it's probably the dying brain cells in their death throes causing all of the ruckus.

I just remember announcing to all present that I have the prettiest toes in the room. And considering that I was the only girl there, it was likely true. Then I showed them. My toes. In all their red glittery splendor. Thankfully the polish wasn't all chipped and ratty looking- that would be embarrassing. Like exposing my bare feet isn't.... I guess I am lucky not to be more of a hussy- it could've devolved to exposing other...assets...and I would be cringing. Still. I guess feet aren't so bad- it's not the 17th century.

I am wondering if his funny and cute comment is just meant to butter me up...or if he really means it. Boys. Who can read them?


Anonymous said...

i just wrote a long-ass comment here which Blogger lost bec. i wasn't signed into Wordpress. DAMITOL!!! and i'm not repeating myself, so screw it. i hate/love technology. hate. love. hate. love. bah!!!

zombieswan said...

red glittery nail polish is the bomb, dude. I need some, in fact.

mental note: get pedicure sometime this week.

I think I'm usually a pretty funny drunk. I don't know if I'm cute, but I'm silly. I'm not mean, although I did go through a phase before I got preggie a couple of years ago of pretending I was a Klingon woman when drunk and picking fights with the guys. I'm not totally proud of it, but a little. :)

Swine: I totally hate it when that happens. You forgot the whole "copy the text" before clicking post trick, didn't you? I still do it, even though nowadays blogger is more reliable than they used to be. I know. I'm annoying.

slyboots2 said...

Technology- this one ain't my fault. Different company, different rules.

The only kind of stupid thing I did besides brag about my toes was call a guy a fucking cunt. With a quasi-Irish accent. He thought it was funny. I'm not so sure in retrospect, but that could just be the everpresent remorse.

Anonymous said...

that IS funny.