Saturday, June 02, 2007

Practically unfillable

Someplace inside, there's a chasm
or maybe that's inaccurate.
More like a field- fallow.
But not really. Because fallow fields exist
for a reason. They're deliberate.
What's inside wasn't intended. Not what
they planned. Not part of the standard
operating procedure (SOP, for the insiders).

Flashback- knowing that everything was fine.
That everyone loved. That everyone was just...there.

Flashforward- knowing that growing up is inevitable.
Hardening of the hearts and arteries. Hardening of the mind
and purpose. Hardening of the will and ways.

Then knowing that there is just no answer, no time like then
and no filling the holes left behind. But also realizing that those
holes, while serving no purpose and unintentional are inevitable.

Deciding to just persevere and deal with it. But walking
with a limp.


(S)wine said...


slyboots2 said...

Indeed. I take it parallel universes again?