Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Every so often I get too wrapped up in my own little drama, and lose perspective.

So it happened again. And then I started an IM conversation with a friend. (You know who you are, my dear) And perspective hit me up side the head.

So, luck of the draw plays heavily in this thing. So does the weight of personal history. And basically I come up pretty fucking lucky. So shut the hell up, and keep on. The sunny side of the street and all that. Because what I gots to complain about really isn't shit by comparison. And really, no one wants to hear about it. Seriously. Not even me.

Maybe the Brits are right- that stiff upper lip crap and all. But then, having watched The Queen, that appears to be undergoing a sea change too. So I just need to hunker down, watch a few more episodes of World's Deadliest Catch, and feel lucky that I've never been called to sea. Because there is a Bitch Goddess if I've ever seen one. And crab fishermen are cool as hell.

And now the secret is out- there is ONE reality tv program that I am hugely addicted to. (see above). It is something of a guilty pleasure- but when we go to the locks, I look for the boats featured in the show.


(S)wine said...

oh fuck yea, me too.
i have loved that since day one.
and it's been nominated for an Emmy.
fucking love those guys.
they're my heroes.
captains and deck hands and all.
that's some tough shit there.
and they're all ironmen.
love them.
ever see the one last season
in which (i think) the Cornelia Marie
gets whacked by a rogue wave?
holy mother of all gods.
Bitch Sea Goddess indeed.
those boys have balls, missy.
and the gals too
(one or two of 'em are cooks, yea?)

slyboots2 said...

I know where the bar is that they filmed the "After the Catch" specials. I could conceivably become some kind of fisherman groupie. But that would be just sad. So I won't. But I still love them tremendously.

And it was the Cornelia Marie. Dude. That was some scary shit.