Sunday, January 07, 2007

Basic life update

We are planning the big move to the East Side. Which causes much dismay around our house, but there isn't much of a choice.

It would buy back at least 10 hours of my life per week. It would save over $100/week on gas. It would lessen the chances of my early death or dismemberment at the hands of some idiot motorist lacking their morning coffee.

We looked at a house yesterday, and are waiting to hear if we got it. It's ...ok...nothing special. This place was special. Mainly for the view and location. But since I've been working, those things aren't as important- not here to enjoy them like I was before.

Good things- this new place will be closer to work, Uwajimaya (Japanese market that I like), and lakes.

Bad things- Bellevue is a tad plastic. Bellevue has lots of very rich people who form a little red dot in a blue state. It isn't Seattle.

But the landlady is back from her deployment, and waiting to have her home back. So there isn't any choice. And this hill is probably going to slide down to the sound any day now- as the ground is like a sodden sponge from all of the rain.

So there's where we are at. Waiting. But knowing. And regretting all of those boxes of books.


(S)wine said...

i, too, live amongst the well-off. in a way it's a testament to our work, but in another, it's a way to biotch and write about them. so there's that.

just count yourself lucky you don't have a child who's so fucking sick, both she and i wanna commit suicide. for the last 3 days, life has sucked BIG FUCKING TIME. i'm going to work tomorrow with 6 total hours of sleep since Thursday night!! good lord, i think i've reached my limit. send beer! pronto!

slyboots2 said...

That poor child. And her poor parents.

If I knew where to send it, and knew with any certainty that it would arrive intact (without the "lucky" shards), I would do so. Because that is my super power. Beer girl! Here I come to save the day!!

Those rich folks better watch out. We'll have a car on blocks out front in no time. It'll be a BMW, but still.

(S)wine said...

and kill our grass so it's just brown, burnt, scortched earth.
thanks for the good vibes--believe me.