Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Stormy weathuh

I've been ill the last couple of days. Today is not only sunny, with sinus clearing, but the headache has lifted. I repeat, the headache has lifted. Let's all give a sigh of relief in unison...sigh...there.

Interestingly, and probably unbeknownst to me, when I get sick, it's not only physical discomfort that takes over. My mind has to get involved, as well. We have a pretty rigorous program that we do together, my mind and I. It involves the following steps:

1. Guilt. I shouldn't be laying around. There are things to do. You are worthless, darling. Don't you see?

2. Let's re-live all of the horrible things I've done to others in the past, shall we! It'll be fun, and instructive. Yes, you are the worst human being on the planet. See all of the destruction you have wrought?

3. (this is my personal favorite) It's now time to cycle through relationships. Yes, all the boys you loved (and otherwise attached to) before. Yes, dear, you really did sleep with him. Now you should remember it all...including the messy breakup. That's why no one ought to love you.

4. And finally, it's time to discuss food, weight and the fact that I'm not built like I was when I was 24. See, if you hadn't eaten those peanuts, you would weight what you did in High School. Automatically. But you did, so you won't. Poor dear.

But as I said before, there is a light. And I'm there now. I can safely shut this particular Pandora's Box of treats, and not worry about it until I get sick again some day.


Anonymous said...

I shall now give you the recipe for Mama Tea that Mom used to make me when I was sick. Now, it constitutes approximately 40 percent of my daily calorie intake, because it's so darn good (and surprisingly filling, especially for breakfast!):

2 black tea bags, boiled silly
cream or creamer (none of the light stuff)
sugar or splenda

Boil the heck out of the tea, let it steep till it is good and dark (flavored teas are best, I think. Or, really cheap 100 bags for a Dollar tea from Walmart) Load it up with a ridiculous amount of sugar or splenda (sugar if you're sick, splenda if you're not) and add creamer until it is alabaster. Wow. Cures everything, and isn't really very sinful at all...so you don't have to add it to your list, ever!:)

I hope all is well, I enjoyed our chat this weekend. Keep me posted on hearing from schools, etc. Love you!

Love Andrea

(S)wine said...

is NOTHING compared to what
MY mind does to me.


slyboots2 said...

Yeah, Nate- cuz it's a contest. Ok, then. You win. I did leave out the grisly details, though- they're particularly awful. But there again, from what little I know about you, I would hazard a guess that you're very right.

And Andrea- the tea is wonderful. You are good. My mom was more of a pudding kinda person- when I get sick, I miss her pudding making acumen. Kenga just doesn't cut it in that department.