Sunday, March 02, 2008

Mystery solved. It was the arugula.

If you are wondering what I am talking about- I'll fill you in.

A while back, I had a lovely mixed greens salad. I thought that the friend who made the salad had poisoned me- because I was sick for 3 days afterwards with what appeared to be severe food poisoning. But she didn't get sick. Hmmmmm. But seriously, the way that relationship turned out, she would've poisoned me...she was the type.

So about 3 months later I had a nice mixed greens salad during a business lunch. By the time I got to the office, I realized what a horrible mistake I had made. I had about 20 minutes to get home before I got sick, and was out for 4 days and required a prescription to shut down my body's violent antipathy towards the salad.

My dad suggested that I try and figure out what the exact culprit was. Good idea in theory, but I was never quite open to employing the scientific method and being sick for the better part of a week. Even though it is a remarkable diet plan.

Spinach and regular lettuce are fine in moderation. But must be eaten with other things. And cooked greens are no issue whatever.

So last night we were at a charity auction, and this salad appeared. It looked like spinach, so I took a bite- about 2 pieces of green. And discovered that it was definitely not spinach, but arugula. I didn't think much about it, as it was a minuscule amount, and I ate a pretty hefty dinner around it. But then....those distinctive "I am your tummy and not very happy with you right now" feelings started to kick in... So I drank more wine. Which had a lovely effect after 3 weeks of stone cold alcohol sobriety.

Nothing untoward happened at the auction. We had a pleasant time, but the experience didn't go away. About 2:00 AM, the message was more of a "now, seriously, I am displeased, and going to express that displeasure dramatically for a while" feeling.

And there you have it. It was the arugula. Mystery solved.

The end.


zombieswan said...

I'm like that with mushrooms. They don't make me swell up and need adrenaline shots, but they make me sick-ish. I consider it sort of like lactose-intolerance. I just don't likes 'em.

Now you know! Arugula is evil. I try to avoid vegetables as much as possible, lately. If it doesn't go on pizza, well, I just don't eat it. (Not entirely joking. WHich is bad.) Now where did I leave those chocolate chip cookies?

Anonymous said...

Do you think it's the simple allergy, or your MSG issue somehow convoluted with the chemistry of arugula? Who the hell's why momentofchoice is so commited to her site regarding the food supply. Myself, I pretty much have an iron stomach, but I'm not so sure that's good either. It's been trained in a country in which cow's brains, kidneys, tripe, and tongue were delicacies and sought after and eaten with much gusto. So who knows. And yes, wine on a bad tummy is...quite the fuel on the fire. We know that first-hand 'round our household.