Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Am getting a cold and feeling like ass, so will keep it brief.

No stories from the girl-child today (much to some people's relief, it seems). Just me.

Nothing really happening of note, just sunshine and kitty diabetes (big kitty has a little problem). It's being handled, no real trauma- the hardest part is getting him to eat his special diet- for such a large cat, he is a very picky eater, and is being a tad divaesque. The needles are very small, and he doesn't notice them.

Didn't go to Eugene with Kman over the weekend- to visit the sister in law and family. Stayed at home injecting the cat at 12 hour intervals and watching my very own Joan Crawford film festival. And racing. Always racing.

And now I am getting the cold that everyone has at work. Gotta love the irony of taking a day off over the weekend, and not minding being sick over the weekend, and getting it now.

Other than that nothing. Not in my world anyway. Others have news to report, but let them blog about it themselves, I am feeling lazy. And ill-equipped.

1 comment:

zombieswan said...

Hey, if you're up for it, would you join the "staff" of my "creative writing student blog"? I'm asking Swine, too. Then, you can pretend to post some stuff if you want. It's just for a sample, to show what I intend to do.

If you're interested, remind me of your email address again. The blog I'm using is:
http://viciousroundtable.blogspot.com/ and there's nothing really there yet.