Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Ah the humanity

Last night the Boy gave me a treat of sorts. And not that kind of treat, either- I don't share those details online! Different blog for that I'm guessing.

Anyway- seems that there are pictures of his 20th reunion floating out there. We have an agreement. Neither will drag an unwilling party to a High School or College reunion. Period. Full stop. And we've lived with it. Not a huge stretch for me- I hated High School and everything that it represented. The Breakfast Club be damned. I HATED it. And still contain a little core of bitterness towards some of those people that is admittedly diminishing with age, but will no doubt remain with me always. Like grit in an oyster if you will. I refuse to give them any avenue to hurt me again. Period. So avoidance.

The Boy's reasons weren't so angstian. Just didn't care.

So we sat and reviewed the photos. Of what appeared to be the same 15-20 drunken individuals over and over and over. Typical, no? Clicques at this age. And they all looked like old white people to me. With the sole exception of one guy's Asian wife. Most were very....well-fed. Some looked like they had lived a hard life. That was sad. But overall- just a group of older people who looked like they were enjoying themselves in a benign fashion. Though I must say, there was one shot of a few of the guys where I swear they were discussing which chicks in the class they would still bang. Just had that locker room feel to it, and there were indications that they were well into their cups. So- glad we passed on it.

Rule remains intact. I think I would've died of boredom. And not gone to heaven- just stayed there in hell. Listening to 80's hair bands, longing for the mullets in their high school pictures to return for sheer humor, and watching them wear leis (it was a luau, doncha know?), and get fabulously drunk. Gak.


(S)wine said...

i never went to prom
or homecoming
i never went to any reunion (20th for me this past month)
and i had to come back from the beach
screaming and being dragged almost
to walk on the stage
for graduation.
i never walked
in college.
just got my papers
and got the hell out.

cb said...

You and Boy missed a hell of a golf game at the country club, though.

cb said...

I correct myself "golf scramble."

slyboots2 said...

Christ- it would've been hard as hell not to drink myself into oblivion at the "golf scramble", especially since I hate golf, and don't know any of your ex-peers. And I notice that you weren't in the pictures of the "golf scramble." Or of the luau. Or of the other events. Either you weren't one of their group, or you didn't attend. Dude. Pot calling what? Something about a kettle.

zombieswan said...

I dragged my BFF to the 10 year, and I'm not sure she has quite forgiven me yet. It was sort of what you imagine it to be. Old HS President was tanned and I think (if I recall) a car salesman (I don't think he was a USED car salesman, but we were still very young. There's time.

Okay. This is totally a blog post, so now I'll do it instead of filling up your comment box with my story. :)

slyboots2 said...

We had a run on suicided post graduation (5 within a year)- so I'm not exaggerating the toxicity of a core group of those people. Never again, I swore when I left. Nothing has convinced me to change that assessment yet.