Thursday, April 12, 2007

What keeps me busy lately

Besides work, and my active social life (snort)- would be tv. And besides tv, would be the writing project I put down earlier this year. Seems that the book I was writing had already been written. By someone else. Not identical, but close enough that I thought it prudent to start over. Only 50+ pages in. And some is reusable.

So there it sat. Until about 2 weeks ago, when I had a revelation while waking up on Sunday morning. And the whole thing has been percolating since. Even have a name for the main character- which hadn't occurred before. So maybe this is the one. The story. That's been waiting to be told. By me. No one else.

I have hope. For now. In a week when I've read the book written by someone else, that'll be over.

1 comment:

(S)wine said...

writing is always excruciating.
anyone who says otherwise, is kidding himself/herself.
also, keep in mind:
there isn't really an original idea out there anymore.
it's just different spins we put on the bowling balls.
themes are pretty much all covered in Shakespeare.
the rest is just lenses we apply to it.
but those are the fun things--the lenses.
cheers to writing